Customize your simulation

You have specific needs for your academic course or corporate training? We can adapt existing simulations or start from scratch. Contact us to explore co-development options together !

Our process

Ideation of the business simulation by Mega Learning

01 • Ideation

Together, we’ll analyze the nature of your challenges and provide a scenario that will incorporate your fundamental themes and dynamics.

Conceptualization of the business simulation by Mega Learning

02 • Conceptualization

We conceptualize and validate with you and your experts the key concepts and messages that will be embedded in the game.

Development of the business simulation by Mega Learning

03 • Development

We develop the game entirely in house from industry/service data models to users interface, turning concepts into a unique learning/playing experience.

Mega Learning, business simulations built with industry experts.

04 • Pilot

We organize a pilot program with your team and experts.

Train the trainers of the business simulation by Mega Learning

05 • Train the trainers (optional)

If we don’t facilitate for you, we’ll set up a train-the-trainer session to ensure quality of facilitation.

The Game of the business simulation by Mega Learning

06 • Let the game begin

Immerse yourself in this unique teaching and learning experience! Your simulation is uploaded to the cloud for seamless performance.